

Why Go Solar in California

California’s beautiful weather is perfect not only for fun in the sun, but also for solar. The Golden State takes first place in the U.S. for solar.* In fact, beginning in 2020, all new homes built are required to have solar. By going solar you can take your power back, be prepared for outages, and preserve the beautiful outdoors.

Solar Incentives in California

California’s Property Assessed Clean program offers certain cities and counties the Home Energy Renovation Opportunity Financing program. Additionally, eligible homeowners in high fire-risk areas may be eligible for a $1,000 per kilowatt-hour of installed battery capacity incentive. And other homeowners that live in financially disadvantaged communities may be eligible for an $850 per kilowatt-hour incentive. These programs are available until funds are exhausted. They can be combined with county incentives as well. 
PG&E, SCE, and SDG&E customers may qualify for the Disadvantaged Communities – Single-family Solar Homes program which provides rebates for eligible customers.

California homeowners are also eligible for the Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC).* The ITC allows you to deduct 26 percent of the cost of installing a solar energy system from your federal taxes.

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Benefits of Solar in California

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Lower your energy bills

California residential electricity rates have increased 29%** more than the national average. This is mostly because of high time of use (TOU) rates. With solar, you can get a system to accommodate for hotter months. If you install batteries, you avoid using electricity on the grid. This means you will likely just have a minimum utility payment.

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Prepare for outages

Your utility may schedule outages to conserve energy. As the weather warms up, they may become more frequent. In the event of an unplanned or planned power outage, you won’t be left in the dark. As long as you have batteries, you will continue to have power.

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Preserve California’s outdoors

California is full of beautiful beaches, parks, and forests. By reducing your carbon footprint you help protect the state’s natural beauty. Installing solar to your home is one major way you can do your part in cutting harmful greenhouse gas emissions, such as CO2 from your environment.

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Have predictable payments

Solar can help you budget monthly energy costs and focus on what’s important. Your monthly solar payment will remain the same for your system. As for your energy utility bill, in some cases you may only have a minimum bill to budget for. Make your monthly budget easier and more predictable.

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Invest in your home

Many go solar for potential home equity. Real estate studies have found that 36% of homeowners saw an average 17% increase when selling their home.* The average California home is worth $618,016, a 9.8% value increase over the past year. Keep up with the market by adding panels!***

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